a blog that will make you smile:)

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I love to blog anything: food, places, hobbies, fashion, etc. It's basically pieces of my life that I want to share with you:) Hopefully you will find it interesting and don't forget to comment!

"But you are chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

For the Birds

I watched this Pixar Short Film a bunch of times and thought I should share it with you. The moral of the story is basically if you treat others the way you don't want to be treated, it will backfire or for a more cliche way of saying it: what goes around comes around.


  1. Lol! My sister's dad has the whole Pixar Short Films DVD haha :) I love this one :P

  2. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA i like the other short pixar film where the guy is playing chess with himself.

  3. lol elisa me tooo!!!! that one was at the beginning of Bug's Life, right? Did you know that his character appears in another disney movie? in Toy Story 2 as the toy fixer :) isn't it creepy that i know this stuff? lol


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