a blog that will make you smile:)

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I love to blog anything: food, places, hobbies, fashion, etc. It's basically pieces of my life that I want to share with you:) Hopefully you will find it interesting and don't forget to comment!

"But you are chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Be an Example for Christ

"It's amazing how people cuss on their blogs and manage to say that God had changed their lives. Hello?!? You think we will believe you?"

You can see probably tell from my the bible verse at the top of this blog I am a Christian. I try my best to follow what God tells me to. I know that I trip over a rock sometimes and forget to be an example of Christ. What made me write this blogpost? As usual I was cruising the internet during my "relax time" and came upon a blog on tumblr. Personally, I'm not a fan of tumblr because it seems more of a socializing network than a sophisicated blog for people to read. Anyways, the tumblr that I went on is by a person that I actually knew personally. His blog had cuss words and very provocative photos. I was really surprised because I never knew this boy was like this especially when I knew he was also a Christian, and his parents were also very devout. Let me define Christian for you. An individual who seeks to live his or her life according to the principles and values taught by Jesus Christ. I guess this post is like a little reminder for all those Christians out there. Never stop believing and always keep your faith. :)

"You are my witnesses," says the Lord," (Isaiah 43:10)


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